Bob is a self-described “lifelong summer kid" on North Haven, who often looks out to Hurricane from Crabtree Point.  He moved to Camden in 1978 after finishing law school in Portland and a one year judicial clerkship in Augusta to begin as a private practice lawyer in Camden from 1978 to 1995. This was followed by practicing with the Maine Attorney General's Office from 1995 to 2016.  


The last 17 years Bob advised and represented various professional licensing boards. He retired in 2016 and has since volunteered with Megunticook Rowing in Camden coaching in the juniors program.  From 1994 – 1996, Bob was the chief cook and bottle washer for the Maine Rowing Association who began the work of developing organized rowing in Maine with clinics, regattas, and a newsletter.  He continued to serve on the Maine Rowing Association board for 25 years.  For somewhere between 8 and 10 years, starting in 1978, he was on the board of Legal Services for the Elderly and was Board Chair for a few years. Bob had shorter stints on the boards of the Maine Civil Liberties Union and the Maine Bar Foundation.  He also has served on the Camden Rec Committee and presently serves on the Camden Harbor Committee.