Island Updates

First Impressions of Hurricane Island: Alyssa

Post by Alyssa Hall, summer intern.

I consider myself to be pretty environmentally savvy. I religiously recycle, I bring my own bags to the grocery store, I attend my local farmers market as much as I can (probably twice a month or so) and I’m even pursuing my Masters degree in Environmental Science and Management at the University of California, Santa Barbara. As such, I am constantly inundated with the concept of sustainability. So much so that I think I had forgotten what it really meant—that is, until I walked ashore on Hurricane Island. As soon as I arrived, I was instantly reminded that it isn’t just a concept. In fact, with just a little bit of focus, it’s achievable.

When I found out I was hired by the Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership in March, I needed some way to try and get my bearings. Having never been to Maine before, I poured over the foundation’s website to learn as much as I could about where I was going to be spending my summer. It was very apparent to me that this community took pride in their sustainability efforts on the island. And as soon as I got here, I knew that was true.

It is amazing for an organization like Hurricane Island to be so excited by the opportunity to be sustainable even in today’s world, which is so focused on practicality. They really have thought of everything. From the multitudes of solar panels and water heaters, composting toilets, constructed wastewater treatment wetlands, Hurricane Island has done everything it can to create a sustainable community. Sustainability has become an inner mantra and is engrained in everything we do here.

My job this summer is to work with this amazing group of people to develop the educational programs that we offer. But really, my job is already done. All that I need to do is show you what this amazing island community is all about and I can guarantee you’ll want come here. No matter what you do this summer, make sure you get here. Come visit with an open mind and an open heart, and it will be an experience to remember. Keep your eyes and ears open, and I’ll see you on the island.

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