Island Updates

Service Learning

Proctor Academy May 2014 Visit

It was our pleasure to host some new and familiar faces from Proctor Academy for a weekend of service projects on Hurricane Island. Students participated in a wide variety of helpful ways, including digging trenches, clearing brush, and fixing up an old peapod boat. Despite the wet and cold weather they had high spirits and great enthusiasm. Thank you Proctor students and staff for all of your help! 

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Outward Bound Service Learning

Despite heavy rain leading up to their arrival on Hurricane, this crew of Outward Bound students brought a ton of energy to the island and helped us expand our water-diversion ditch down the hill from the ice pond. Thanks for all of your help!

This motley pulling boat crew arrived on Hurricane near the tail-end of their 22 day course. The sun peaked through for just a few days of their trip

This motley pulling boat crew arrived on Hurricane near the tail-end of their 22 day course. The sun peaked through for just a few days of their trip

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Penobscot Bay Stewards


We were excited to welcome 24 Penobscot Bay Stewards to Hurricane Island last week to learn about Hurricane's natural history, ecology, and quarry era. The Stewards Program is sponsored by The Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition in collaboration with the Maine Coastal Program, and provides participants with an opportunity for adults to learn about the Penobscot Bay region and ways to conserve its resources.  It meets through the month of May and addresses such topics as Penobscot Bay history, marine life, island ecology, coastal land, intertidal and marine habitats, geology, fisheries, aquaculture, the Penobscot Nation, water quality, conservation issues, and current regional issues with impacts on our environment and human life. After the program ends, each Steward is expected to do at least 30 hours of volunteer work in a related organization or project. 

We met some wonderful future volunteers through this visit, and look forward to their help and expertise in the future!

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