Island Updates

Wilderness First Responder

5-Day WFR 2015

Participants from the second Wilderness First Responder (WFR) program of our 2015 season enjoyed Hurricane Island at the peak of summer and the peak of our busy season. Along with 14 WFR participants, we were also running our Marine Biology summer program and hosting Overland students as part of their Maine Leadership program. All combined, we had nearly 60 participants and staff on the island for a sun-filled week which was bustling with activity!

Participants learn how to improvise splints using lifejackets, sleeping pads, and other available materials

WFR courses are normally a week long, so the five-day WFR is always a whirlwind of instruction. Participants split time learning in the classroom about how body systems respond to shock and stress, and in the field where staged scenarios gave everyone hands-on learning opportunities to stabilize patients suffering from a range of ailments including lightning strikes, traumatic brain injuries, and hypothermia. One of the realities of living on Hurricane is that we are in a "wilderness" setting and cannot immediately access definitive care. Safety is a priority out here, so is our pleasure to support the efforts of Wilderness Medical Associates and send more certified first responders out into the world! Congratulations, and thanks for helping save lives!

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