Island Updates

Wilderness First Responder

Playing out a scenario means that students are engaged both as patients and as responders-- here a student records and assesses the severity of the situation

We are pleased to announce that there are eight newly trained and certified Wilderness First Responders ready to go out and troubleshoot injuries from sprained ankles to lightning strikes. With guidance from their qualified and fearless Wilderness Medical Associates leader, Deborah, students systematically learned the symptoms of and how to respond to acute stress reactions, compensated volume shock, traumatic brain injuries, hypothermia, and anaphylaxis, among other wilderness emergencies.

These programs are hands-on and active, so students were setting up scenarios all around Hurricane. The reality of these scenarios was also reinforced by the fact that Hurricane is 12 miles offshore, and removed from immediate access to definitive care.  The staff got used to pretend shrieks for help, and the sight of someone walking around the kitchen sporting a fake wound or washing off fake blood was the new baseline for the week.

It is always a pleasure to support wilderness medical training programs, as we look forward to the five-day WFR program as well as a WALS and WEMT programs coming up in August! There is still space in the programs, so reserve your spot by registering today!

I can’t think of any location better suited for our week-long WFR training. From brilliant sunrises in the boathouse to outdoor showers overlooking the working waterfront to days spent in our rustic classroom to sunset picnics on the beach, Hurricane Island provided an inspiring environment that promoted a sense of camaraderie that made our experience one for the memory books. I treasure my time spent on the island, and look forward to soon returning to the island, her people and her food!
— Keryn G. WFR Participant

A student gets moulage to act the part of a patient who fell off a ladder in a scenario

Responders team up to safely extricate their patient to a different location so they can properly examine him during a scenario

Newly graduated WFRs!

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